Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vrijeme nečeka

Since time does not wait for anyone, I will do my best to keep up with it and fulfill whatever dreams I have.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


It is easier not accepting something that feels threatening, something that may be dangerous, unknown, than trying to understand it and realizing that it is nothing more than a difference on the outside. For example: the color of our skin. He is black, she is white, he's got spots here, she's got spots there. Why does it matter? Why is the color (thus, the pigment) so important for some that they totally reject any kind of contact with a different "color". The land in where I am born can not be found in my blood nor will I ever accept anyone telling me I am "that something" and that I "belong there". I am whatever I want to be and I belong wherever I feel like I belong. An integrated society is alot more beautiful than a monotonous one. The beauty in this is that we can explore everything that we find interesting. We are different. No surprise!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Choo choo

Can't find chance in this world, so I seek for it in another.